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- Japaner im Revier. Aufbruch ins Fremde
- Das war mal eine tolle Idee. Ebene +14: Oase der Kunst
- Camera Isolata
- Aufenthaltswahrscheinlichkeiten
- An authentic woman solves all knots
- Breaking Memory
- Wandermüde
- Optiker
- Das Warten (Lissabon)
- Song for the forbidden zone
- Why am I here?
- Curtain
- Fall Float Evenly
- Der Weg I
- Wash Your Blues
- Sugarhouse
- Japaner im Revier. Aufbruch ins Fremde
- Urban Phenomenology ―Just what is it that makes our future so uncertain, so appealing?
- Black and Green
- Aufenthaltswahrscheinlichkeiten
- Claus Mewes: Opening speech delikatelinie Ermkeilkaserne BonnNaho Kawabe was born in 1976 in the southwest Japanese port city, Fukuoka and grew up there. The city of 1.5 million inhabitants is located on the southern main island of Japan directly across the sea from South Korea. This border area has become famous through several historical sea battles, in particular the victory of … Continue reading Claus Mewes: Opening speech delikatelinie Ermkeilkaserne Bonn
- Sachiko Shoji: Text from the exhibition catalogue “In Search of Critical Imagination”Video can tell any number of lies. And it can also unexpectedly capture the truth. Understanding this exposes the degree of uncertainty in what we see as well as the ambiguous nature of our perceptions and memories. In the work of Kawabe Naho, an artist who got his start in video, we are at times … Continue reading Sachiko Shoji: Text from the exhibition catalogue “In Search of Critical Imagination”
- Ludwig Seyfarth: Like Leaves in the Wind. Ruins in the works of Naho Kawabe(…) As is generally known, the latest major natural disaster that took place in Japan was a tsunami, which even a nuclear power plant was unable to withstand. In March of 2012, Naho Kawabe photographed many damaged or extensively demolished single-unit houses in the prefecture Miyagi, which had been affected by the tsunami. Contrary to … Continue reading Ludwig Seyfarth: Like Leaves in the Wind. Ruins in the works of Naho Kawabe
- Belinda Grace Gardner: The Play of Light and Shadow. Giving shape to the ephemeral: Naho Kawabe’s visualization of the invisible„When rays of sunshine fall obliquely onto the pattern of a lace curtain, the perforations of the fabric are condensed into a graceful shadow image for a moment, its delicate structure gaining visual substance. Stylized blossoms stand out against surfaces, walls, or the floor as dark negative inversions: a brief reflex of light that manifests … Continue reading Belinda Grace Gardner: The Play of Light and Shadow. Giving shape to the ephemeral: Naho Kawabe’s visualization of the invisible
An authentic woman solves all knots